Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is an Open Source library for the raster and vector operations of geospatial datasets. It has been released under MIT permissive license by Open Source Geospatialmore
Uninterrupted electricity transmission is crucial for powering our interconnected world’s homes, businesses, and industries. However, persistent power outages cause significant annual losses, estimated at USD 150more
In our previous blog, we explored how SatSure Super Resolution is enabling valuable insights without impacting your budgets. We dived deep into the transformative impact of the commercialization of the downstreammore
Banks and financial institutions have long grappled with the challenges of bad loans and rising Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) in agricultural lending. This issue has historically deterred their expansion into ruralmore
The first crude satellite image of the Earth was captured on August 14, 1959, by the U.S. Explorer 6 taken at an altitude of around 27,000 kms (17,000 mi) crossing over Mexico. It shows the sunlit area of the Centralmore
Written by Arjun Gangadharan, Team Lead- Geospatial Operations at SatSure Why do I need to contribute to open data? Well, the valid question is, why should I share my data with everyone, which I created with my moneymore
This article focuses on the extraction of time series farm-level crop health index such that the farms with low health index can be identified for various time periods. The data sets used are extracted from the SatSuremore
Introduction: Nipun Mehrotra is the Founder of “The Agri Collaboratory”, a Think-Tank promoting innovation at scale, an “Indian Agri Platform” and thematic execution to ensure by 2030 India is a global leader in Agrimore